Our Mission
서울시 종로구 평창동에 위치한 상원미술관은 2003년 9월 23일 개관 이래 공예·디자인 전문 미술관으로서의 정체성(identity)을 꾸준하게 견지해 왔으며, 앞으로도 공예·디자인 분야의 진흥과 발전을 위한 다양한 시도들을 전개해 나아갈 것입니다. 공예.디자인 분야의 진흥과 발전을 위한 다양한 프로그램의 개발과 서울특별시 등록 제 1종 미술관으로서의 위상에 걸맞는 품격있는 서비스의 제공을 위해 각고의 노력을 기울일 것입니다. 공예.디자인 애호가들의 많은 관심과 참여가 있으시길 바랍니다.
상원미술관 설립자/명예관장 남 상 교 / 상원미술관 관장 남 영 우
Since 23. September. 2003, The Sang Won Museum of Art (A.K.A SWMA) has been opened in PyeongChang Dong, Jongno Gu, Seoul.
The SWMA is specialized in the Craft & Design Art that represent the Korean Traditional Living Art. So, the SWMA adheres the identity of the Korean Traditional Craft & Design Art, as the only successor of the Korean traditional craft design art. It makes the SWMA’s history, the vision of future. and the pride.
The SWMA keeps trying some developments for K-Craft Design art with the responsibility and the honor. Viewing our homepage with concerns, you can find our achieves easily. And These achieves make the K-craft Design art alive.
As a National 1st grade museum of art, we always do our best for the name of SWMA. Naturally, we can serve you the finest quality experiences in our exhibitions with the Korean Traditional Craft & Design Art legacies.
All members of the SWMA welcome you to expand your art experiences with the Korean Traditional Craft Design Art. We hope you love our beautiful traditional legacies. If you are an art enthusiast or not, it does not matter to us to enjoy our exhibitions, education classes and web site. We will make you feel ‘VENI! VIDI! SENTIRE!’ about the K-Craft & Design art!
See you at the Sang Won Museum of Art, soon!
The Founder & The Ex-director Of the SWMA Nam, Sang Gyo
The present Director Of SWMA Nam, Young Woo